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I'm Julia; a wife, a mother and a lover of food. I'm in constant pursuit of my newest craving in the kitchen. I hope you'll join me in my journey to find new and delicious ways to bring classic and versatile dishes to the table. Bon Appetit!

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Brown Sugar and Ginger Crepes

As previously established on this blog, I am a gal who loves taking ingredients I have never tried before and cooking up a dish that will pronounce the taste of this ingredient and affirm it's worth. However, on occasion, I like to go a different direction and choose an ingredient I'm well familiar with but not especially fond of. That's right, I mean I'll specifically choose an ingredient I'm not partial to and purposely cook or bake with it! Strange as this may seem, I do this in order to approach the ingredient in a way that may possibly compel me to reconsider it.

Thus begun my morning not long ago, as I was whisking up a basic crepe recipe for a late breakfast. Now, I know the saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". My basic crepe recipe is by no means "broken", but that morning as I stood there whisking, I wondered what I might add to spark up the recipe a bit. A rummage through my cupboards revved up my imagination until I realized I was holding the forgotten bottle of ground ginger. I had purchased it on a whim when I was over-zealously establishing my spice cupboard, but was never quite able to grow an approval for it. That is, until I paired it with the deep molasses sweetness of dark brown sugar, added it into my crepe batter and topped it with velvetty ricotta cheese and a drizzle of wildflower honey. Oh, my. I sure do hope you allow yourself this treat and give it a try. Enjoy!

Brown Sugar and Ginger Crepes

Serves 6


½ cup lukewarm water

1 cup milk

4 large eggs

4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted. Plus more to saute crepes

1 cup all-purpose flour

1/4 cup packed dark brown sugar

2 Teaspoons ground ginger

1/4 teaspoon salt


1. Place all ingredients into blender and blend until well mixed. Alternatively, place all ingredients into large mixing bowl and mix with a electrical or hand whisk until well mixed.

2. Preheat a medium frying pan on medium-low heat.* Add a small pat of butter.

2. Add 1/4 cup of batter to pan and swirl to coat. If you have any gaps you may fill with more batter. Once the bottom is golden, flip the crepe until fully cooked and golden brown on both sides.

4. Continue with the rest of the batter.

5. Enjoy with toppings of choice! I suggest a dollop of ricotta cheese and a drizzle a wild honey.

*You may need to change your heat temperature based on how evenly your crepes are cooking. The first few are always a little scraggy while you stabilize your heat.

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